Sunday, March 27, 2016

40 Ways to Repurpose Your Blog Content

40 Ways to Repurpose Your Blog Content

(And Why You Should)

Are you struggling to come up with new content? Repurposing content is a little-known secret that all smart marketers use to keep driving traffic to their site. In this article, we’ll share 40 ways to get more mileage out of your blog posts by repurposing them.
Great content can funnel more traffic to your website, strengthen your brand’s reputation, and encourage more web visitors to convert. The problem is, creating content takes time and effort.
But what if your best content could go to work for you, again and again, without your having to create anything new?
Repurposing your blog content is taking a post that you’ve already written and re-packaging it so that it does double duty. This allows you to:
  • Reach more potential customers
  • Get more organic search engine traffic
  • Stop stressing over what to write about
  • Devote more time towards making sales
These are big benefits that you can’t afford to ignore. If you are not repurposing your content, you are missing out on a huge opportunity for your business.
Now that you know why you should be doing it, let’s look at 40 different ways to repurpose your blog posts…

Syndicate Your Posts

Content syndication networks allow you to get your blog posts in front of people who are reading other, related blog posts. All you have to do is pay a little money (usually you pay per click), and your posts will be suggested as “Recommended Reading” or “Related Posts” on other blogs.
These links will usually not count toward SEO, but they will drive traffic to your site.
Here’s an example of a “Promoted Stories” section below a blog post on CNN:
Syndicated Posts Example
Different content syndication networks include:
1. Outbrain
Outbrain is a pretty popular option, used on sites like CNN.
2. Zemanta
Zemanta gives you control over the image and title you want to use.
3. Taboola
Taboola gets your blog posts in front of a huge audience, a lot like Outbrain.
4. SimpleReach
SimpleReach determines which posts are most likely to be shared, and then promotes those.
5. ARC
ARC works by sending your content across various social media, blogs and other sites.
6. LinkWithin
LinkWithin is a widget for showing related posts with a thumbnail image. In the near future, they say they will be releasing revenue sharing features.
7. PR Newswire
PR Newswire gives you access to various content syndication channels, social media networks, and more to help you reach your target audience.
PR Newswire
8. ZergNet
ZergNet promotes your posts on relevant sites, and is used by big companies like AOL and MTV.

Republish Your Posts

There are a number of sites which will allow you to republish your old blog posts, getting them in front of a larger audience.
To republish your old posts, simply sign up for an account with one of these sites, copy and paste your article, and hit “publish”. How easy is that?
Here are some places for you to republish old blog posts:
9. Medium
Medium allows you to republish your blog posts and get them to a wider audience, almost like a social media platform, but for blog posts. Setting up an account is free and easy– you can even sign up with your Twitter, Facebook, or Google account.
Medium Publish
10. Reddit
Reddit is an extremely popular page, offering user-generated news links where users can vote to promote stories to the front page.
11. Growth Hackers
GrowthHackers is a site that allows you to promote content related to startup marketing (“growth hacking”). All you have to do to promote your post is submit its URL.
Growth Hackers
12. Hacker News
Hacker News is like Reddit for programmers and entrepreneurs. If your content is about computer science or entrepreneurship, it will be perfect for Hacker News.
Hacker News
13. BizSugar
BizSugar is for small business news and tips. Republished posts are categorized into different topics, such as finance, technology, startups, and marketing.
14. Social Media Today
Social Media today allows you to either manually submit your content or automatically submit your content via your RSS feed. The editors select the very best content to be featured on their homepage.
Social Media Today
15. Inbound
If your content is related to inbound marketing, Inbound is a great place for your posts to get more exposure. Just make sure you read their guidelines thoroughly.
16. Examiner
Examiner is a lot like Medium, except that you will have to apply to get an account.
17. Blokube
If your content is for other bloggers, Blokube is a perfect place to share it.
18. Business 2 Community
Business 2 Community is great if your content falls under marketing, business, finance, entertainment, technology, or news.
Business 2 Community

Use Snippets for Social Media Posts

A genius way to repurpose your content is by taking a tiny snippet or a small excerpt of your blog post and turning that into a social media post.
The idea here is to build your brand by adding value to your social media profiles, so linking to your blog post is optional. Do include an image wherever possible to make your posts really stand out.
19. Facebook
Take our a small excerpt from your post and use that as your Facebook post.
Here’s an example from the Humans of Sackville Facebook Page:
Humans of Sackville
You can post in relevant Facebook groups as well as on your Facebook page.
20. Twitter
Take a small quote from your post and use that as your tweet.
21. Google+
Take a small excerpt from your blog post and use that as your Google+ post.
22. LinkedIn
Include an excerpt from your blog post and “publish a post”, or use “share an update” to share a small quote from your post.
23. Pinterest
Take the images from your post and pin them to relevant boards.
24. Quora
Search for a question related to your blog post, and copy and paste a section of your blog post as your answer.

Use a Different Medium

There are so many different mediums you can use to repurpose your blog posts, from images, to video, to audio… all you have to do is re-format the same content.
Here are some different mediums you can use to get more mileage on the same old blog content:
25. Infographics
Take the main points from your blog post and use an infographic maker like Piktochart or Venngage to create the graphic.
infographic(Infographic via QuickSprout.)
26. Videos
Create a video on the same topic as your blog post and upload it to YouTube.
27. Emails
Use your best blog posts as a “welcome” autoresponder sequence, a newsletter, or an email course.
28. Downloadable PDF
Take the entire blog post and create a PDF out of it. Then you can use it as an opt-in bribe. Alternatively, you could take just the main points of your blog post and create a downloadable PDF checklist out of it.
29. Slide Deck
Create a slide deck out of your blog post and upload it to SlideShare.
30. Podcast
Simply read your blog post aloud, record it, and upload to iTunes and Stitcher.
31. Webinar
Use your blog post as the basis for your Keynote presentation, and then present it to a live online audience using Google Hangouts.
32. Online Course
Take your best blog posts on a specific topic, turn them into course materials, and upload them to Udemy or Teachable.
33. Live Streaming
Use your content as the outline for your Periscope or Blab presentation.
34. eBook
Use a collection of blog posts to create a downloadable eBook.
35. Physical Book
Use a service like Lulu to turn your blog posts into a physical book.

Publish Spin-Offs

Yet another way to repurpose your old posts is to use them as starting points for other posts. There are a few different ways to do this…
36. Publish an Update
If there is any new information to add, a clarification, or another update, you can publish a new blog post with a “refreshed” version of the same content.
Adele Performance Update(Via The Huffington Post.)
37. Write a Case Study
Take the topic of your old article and find an example that illustrates your point. Highlight that example in a new blog post as a case study, and link to your old post in the new article. Case studies not only increase your traffic, but they give you a great boost in conversions as well.
Here’s an example of a case study that we did on how RazorSocial increased their conversions by 520% using content upgrades.
In fact, we’ve collected all of our case studies together into one big “Case Studies” category:
Case Study Example
38. Write an Expert Roundup
Again, taking the same topic of your old article, ask a bunch of experts to answer a brief question about it. Then publish all of their answers as a new post, linking to your old post in this new one.
39. Use Portions for New Posts
When you write on a topic that overlaps with one of your old articles, use some of the old content in the new content. For instance, if you are writing a tutorial on how to edit photos in Photoshop, and you already covered one of the steps in a previous blog post, copy and paste those steps and images into your new blog post.
40. Write a Guest Post
Take the main points of one of your previous articles and use that as inspiration for a guest post. In fact, some blogs will even allow you to republish your old article as-is.
While you’re guest posting, just make sure to avoid these 6 guest blogging mistakes.
Have any other favorite ways of repurposing blog content? Let us know in the comments!
Mary Fernandez is the Content Marketing Manager for OptinMonster. When she's not creating content, she loves to help entrepreneurs get published on popular sites for driving more traffic, leads and sales.


  1. Shruti
    Really a great source of information but want to add that Social Bookmarking is also a good technique wherein you can repurpose your Content to high authority bookmarking websites. Link Baiting is growing popularity these days.
    Wow. I love this piece of content. I will like to use the No. 36(Publishing an Update) to keep my blog always fresh because most time I lack content.
  3. Manjeet
    Hi Mary, thanks for this post, it looks like a really useful resource which I will be looking into. However I had a question about “Republish Your Posts”, would this not cause an issue with duplicate content?
    1. Mary Fernandez
      That is a really great question, Manjeet. I’m assuming you are concerned about getting penalized by Google for the duplicate content. That is a common fear, but it is actually a myth.
      Google doesn’t view duplicate content as bad, unless it appears spammy, such as when content is duplicated in high volume and in a short span of time. Your site will not be penalized if you republish your blog posts. However, Google will try to show only one search result to users.
      Here’s what Google says about republished content:
      “If you syndicate your content on other sites, Google will always show the version we think is most appropriate for users in each given search, which may or may not be the version you’d prefer. However, it is helpful to ensure that each site on which your content is syndicated includes a link back to your original article. You can also ask those who use your syndicated material to use the noindex meta tag to prevent search engines from indexing their version of the content.”
      Hope that helps!
      1. Manjeet
        Thanks Mary, yes my worries were about Google fines! That’s a great tip about using the noindex meta tag and including a link back to your site. Thanks again for this really invaluable guide!
  4. Nwakaibu michael
    thanks for this great post. i will surely put effort to carry them out.