Monday, April 14, 2008

Lets not let them get away with the lies

Bush Knew way more then he claimed he did about 9/11:

Don't you want to know why the president and vice president admitted that they did indeed lie about what they knew before 9/11.
The main premise of this site is to attempt to keep alive the main questions most concerned and thinking Americans have about what really happened before and after 9/11. For the past 5 years the Bush Administration has used the September 11th terrorist attacks as a pretext for the "War on Terror," stripping away civil liberties at home while waging "endless" war in Central Asia and the Middle East. Constant reminders of the possibility of "further attacks" along with color-coded "terror alerts" in the mainstream media exploit the 9-11 tragedy and frighten the public into accepting a dangerous agenda that threatens our democracy and national security, as well as the peace and security of the world.Get your own copy of the "official" 9/11 commission report here: official explanation of September 11th (that it was the work of a sinister and highly trained international network of Muslim terrorists, led by the still-at-large Osama bin Laden) continues to provide the primary rationale for this dangerous and destructive path. The truth of what really happened that day is thus too important to ignore.
Whether there was root-level Administration complicity or simply gross negligence, by forcing full government disclosure of 9-11 we can demonstrate to America that avoiding future terrorist attacks is as simple as the President and others doing their jobs. This takes the wind out of the sails of the Bush Administration argument for permanent war and civil liberties cutbacks, and advances the cause of peace and justice.

For the past two years the Bush Administration has used the September 11th terrorist attacks as a pretext for the "War on Terror," stripping away civil liberties at home while waging "endless" war in Central Asia and the Middle East. Constant reminders of the possibility of "further attacks" along with color-coded "terror alerts" in the mainstream media exploit the 9-11 tragedy and frighten the public into accepting a dangerous agenda that threatens our democracy and national security, as well as the peace and security of the world.The official explanation of September 11th (that it was the work of a sinister and highly trained international network of Muslim terrorists, led by the still-at-large Osama bin Laden) continues to provide the primary rationale for this dangerous and destructive path. The truth of what really happened that day is thus too important to ignore.
Whether there was root-level Administration complicity or simply gross negligence, by forcing full government disclosure of 9-11 we can demonstrate to America that avoiding future terrorist attacks is as simple as the President and others doing their jobs. This takes the wind out of the sails of the Bush Administration argument for permanent war and civil liberties cutbacks, and advances the cause of peace and justice.
I have always felt that there was something wrong with the entire 9/11 story. As I saw it, Bush and Chaney and their "people" used that tragic event (that it seems they created or had prior knowledge of or allowed it to happen so that they could make up a reason to start a war that they were already planning well before 9/11. Well that blew me away so I started looking into things a few years ago only for my information. There is no way you can tell me that a group of guys running around in the middle east hiding in caves could have carried this attack out without some major help from some very powerful people. People I might add who have a super agenda that they will do anything to accomplish. What Bush Knew Before Sept. 11

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